If you start by buying an assortment of spheres, you can fill in whatever sells best by buying these best sellers by the casepack.
OR – make your own assortment by purchasing casepacks
OR – buy spheres by the case to add another color or size to an assortment
3″ spheres come in packs of 12 of a color
4.5″ spheres come in packs of 8 of a color
6″ spheres come in pack of 6 of a color
Amber Spheres (15)
Aqua Spheres (14)
Black Spheres (5)
Chocolate Spheres (8)
Clear Spheres (4)
Cobalt Spheres (13)
Denim Spheres (8)
Eggplant Spheres (4)
Emerald Spheres (3)
Flat Spheres (8)
Lavender Spheres (4)
Lemon Spheres (13)
Lime Spheres (16)
Mint Spheres (6)
Olive Spheres (6)
Oval Spheres (6)
Ruby Spheres (9)
Scarlet Spheres (2)
Sky Spheres (10)
Smoke Spheres (5)
Tangerine Spheres (8)
Teal Spheres (8)
White Spheres (10)
Multi Color Spheres (10)
Cobwebs Spheres (9)
Thread Spheres (13)
Whitewashed Spheres (25)
Dot & Dash Spheres (6)